Thursday 24 January 2013


I often dream of my brother, most of the time they feel so real as if he was actually here with me. The dreams affect me greatly that sometimes I wake up thinking he's here and that everything that happened wasn't real, I almost feel relief for a second until I find that my worst nightmare was infact reality and that my brother isn't here to squeeze with relief because I though he was gone in my dream, he's not here to have a laugh with anymore. Last night I dreamt that he was still here but seriously Ill, I was worried sick about him, I wanted to protect him but this time it was out often hands, he was gonna go so we had to make the most of the time he had left. Leon and I were out firstly with my dad and then my grandad we were messing around and having fun, I felt normal inside. I hugged his little body I felt his heart beating. It got to night time we were at my nans and about to go to bed. Before we went to bed I didn't want to let him go, I told him that he was the best thing that happened to me because ever since he was brought into my life I'd only had joy and some of the best memories I will ever have.

I woke in real life after feeling really sad, I can feel my heart racing and the back of my throat hurting as I write this. I also felt relieved that it was all over. Dreams are so powerful, my dream reminded me of what a funny,amazing,special boy my brother is.xx

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